Tuesday 23 October 2012

Reply to Bruce's Response

In the United States and in many nations there are civil rights laws for people with disabilities.  But these laws are not followed unless a fine is imposed.  For example, in the United States the “fine” is a private lawsuit by a person with a disability to enforce the laws.  Businesses say lawyers are profiting off of the disabled. So why is it acceptable for a business to profit off of the public but it is bad for a lawyer to profit from disability civil rights lawsuits.

Lesson 3 of the Law of Success on Self-Confidence answers the question.  When you assert a civil right you are exercising self-confidence.  A civil right means equal opportunity and treatment, not special treatment.  However, many believe people with disabilities need special treatment.  Special treatment kills self-confidence.

In general, where does the lack of self-confidence come from in people with disabilities and their families?


In the jungle or on the farm people had to use their bodies to work.  The stronger person was more important.  The weaker person was a burden. People who were disabled were weaker and were left to die.


When a child is born her mind is plastic, open, clean and free. Those that control the child teach him their superstitions, beliefs, legends and ideas. The beliefs about disability come from ancient teachings to throw away disabled animals. So disabled people were thrown away. After a while the disabled were allowed to live but in ancient text they are they beggars, and require pity and healing. Pity is the main reason for the idea of donations. So disabled people are taught to seek pity. The non-disabled are taught to give pity. When a person becomes disabled they already have the pity belief.  The pity belief says to you "you can't".  This "you can't" belief is why people fear disability from early childhood.  This is why most disabled do not start a business because they fear they cannot do it. This fear is from the pity belief.  

So lawyers who care for the “disabled” should represent them for free. The government should enforce disability civil rights laws for free.  Businesses should be given multiple chances to follow the laws without a fine.  All these ideas come from the pity belief.   Some people with disabilities buy into the pity belief because they lack self-confidence - they want free government enforcement, they frown upon lawsuits, they want a free handout. All other people enforce their civil rights by protests, voting, lobbying and lawsuits.  People with disabilities need the self-confidence to do the same.

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